Please note that some of the picture captions have been revised!
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<This was Thompson's blacksmith shop which was located across from todays Marathon station on Main St.
This is the old Brewster home which is still> in town.  It is next to the State Farm office.  Brewster's butchery was north of town behind Four Season apartments.  The meat market itself was located on the left side of this house with in the three windows.
This photo is of our famous Mason> Horse Rangers.  Developed in the late 1800's, this is a reunion after the turn of the century.
<This is the building at the corner of Main and S.East streets.  It has been many different businesses over the years, most notably Kroger's in the 1930's and the Dinner Bell in the 1960's.
<Angilo's Pizza on the left still exists today.  The building on the right use to be Alvin Driever's bus station/sandwich shop/and pool hall.  It was also King Bros. bus station at one time.
Pictures of Mason
This is a drawing of Mason's first> city building from 1893. The new building has since been built on Mason-Montgomery Rd.
This was Sprinkle's Opera House and is> now the 5/3 bank. This was taken in 1900.  It's original location was at the corner of Main St. and West St.  Of course now West St. no longer crosses Main St.,  Rt. 42, originally called Pike St., now curves through town.  It was an off-shoot road to Cincinnati.  This change in layout really made a difference in Mason's original make up.
<The old Mason Bakery was located at Main and South East St., across from old town hall.
The Mason Livery was on Main St.> across from today's Yost Pharmacy.  It was Hudson's Feed Store at one time. Wouldn't  it be neat to have a stable up town today?
<How could we forget the Bob Shoppe?  I loved eating here.  It's hard to believe that Dominos is here now.
<This is the old gas station across from the lumber company by the railroad tracks on Main St.